2007年5月22日 星期二

"... a deep and mystical bond with the arts."


The third excerpt speaks of a new science at once more empirical than that of the eighteenth-century empiricist(十八世紀經驗主義者) and more systematic than that of the rationalist(理性主義者), a science of opaque surfaces and reconstructible depths, and most importantly one given the ability both to put its discoveries into play in the world and to establish itself concretely in a technology, and at the same time to conceive itself in terms of a deep and mystical bond with the arts.


而今日的我們比十九世紀的他們多了些什麼呢?在上面這段文字所提到的 "the third excerpt" 中,有一段話或許可以做為思索的開端:

" ... They penetrate into the recesses of Nature and show how she works in her hiding places. They ascend into the heavens; they have discovered how the blood circulates, and the nature of the air we breathe. They have acquired new and almost unlimited powers; they can command the thunders of heaven, mimic the earthquake, and even mock the invisible world with its own shadows." (Mary Shelley, p.34)



今日的我們,經歷了一個對人類性理所建構的「意義高塔」徹底解構、對自我意義的追尋不再狂熱如昔的年代,無論面對宇宙、面對自然、或是面對浩瀚的資訊,或許人們在內心深處已經感受不到那種那股 "unlimited powers",因而轉向物質的追求和財富的累積。在這樣的時代情境下,我們是否還能期待一股返魅的力量使我們再次心醉神迷?


"... in terms of a deep and mystical bond with the arts."

